He waits for inspiration
He waits for love.
Well, you know that's not so easy, my friend
My friend is always waiting for the right moment
He says that timing is everything
He waits for life
Let me tell you what I did for my oldest friend, my friend
You can guess
I waited
Not for buses or money or phone calls
Of course not
I waited for him
And the right moment
But my friend didn’t notice me.
My oldest friend didn’t notice my timing
And that hurt
As he gets
older my friend is often forgetting
He’s less and less a timing person,
He’s more and more a waiting person
Worst of all he forgets
That he is waiting for life
He thinks that he is waiting for death
If there is one thing I wish for my older oldest friend
I wish he would remember to remember
Remember that remembering person
That he once was.