If I could I would
You know that
If I would I should
You know that
If I should I did
You know that
If I did I will
You know that
If I will I was
You know that
If I was I could
You know that

You could have but you wouldn’t have
Wouldn’t you?
You would have but you shouldn’t have
Shouldn’t you?
You should have but you don’t
Do you?
You don’t but you won’t
Will you?
You won’t but you weren’t
Were you?
You weren’t but you could have
Couldn’t you

Not to blame
I’m trying hard not to blame
It’s hard not to blame
I’m trying hard
I’m trying hard
I’m trying hard not to blame myself
For blaming you
For blaming you

Not to blame
I’m trying hard not to blame myself
For blaming you

. .